Be My Valentine!
My family is to thank for the vivid memories I have of the Valentine’s Day gift exchanges. From what I recall, my siblings used to vehemently say to my mother, “We don’t want o!” What on earth does that have to do with Valentine’s Day, you might wonder. You would comprehend that statement soon enough.
Valentine’s Day gift-exchanging was customary at my siblings’ school. They chose their Vals from pieces of paper that had the names of their classmates scribbled on them. Since there were so many student detectives, partners were rarely kept a secret, even though they weren’t typically meant to be revealed. The students were all always looking forward to the exchange day with great anticipation.
I can still clearly recall how envious I was of my siblings at the time because little was being done at my own school. In contrast to theirs, where the gift exchange was planned and enjoyed, only the popular and outgoing girls and boys (I was neither) received gifts on Valentine’s Day from their admirers.
One thing I frequently observed was how watchful and extra careful my siblings were during the period. They carefully guarded their selections to ensure that the youngsters who they had chosen as their Vals were unaware. On this particular day, I learned why. While other students gave flowers, candy, various snacks, teddy bears, and other items, my two amazing siblings would typically have a glass cup, each elegantly wrapped, for their Vals. The glass cups were ones that my mother had graciously accepted as gifts at various events, such as her wedding or naming celebrations.
Even though my mother cherished those glass cups and had to possibly make a sacrifice to give them away, my siblings didn’t think their peers would value them. Hence the usual, “We don’t want o!”
When I think back on these times, I grin, but I also find myself reflecting. Valentine’s Day gifts are sometimes given, but not returned. Even while they give out lovely gifts, some recipients nevertheless receive items they genuinely dislike, such as glass cups. On this day, some people don’t give thoughtful gifts but receive fantastic ones in return. Sometimes some do not give and also do not receive. Different experiences for different people! But my mind is drawn to the scripture below:
“ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:7-9 King James Version (KJV)
There can be no compromise with this scripture. I strive to be that person that sows to the Spirit in order to reap life everlasting. Will you join me? Be my Valentine!
Btw, my siblings later started saving their pocket money towards Valentine’s day and stepped up their game.