Hi! I’m Ibukun.

Welcome to Unveiling with Me. A platform to help people discover the light within them.

A life that has never been lived lacks colour. At conception, however, the journey begins, and a wide variety of colours emerge. For some, experiences of gloom permeate their surroundings. They get exhausted attempting to transform into shinier, more brilliant versions of themselves. Nevertheless, how bright may darkness be? Some persist in putting on a false front. A demeanour that eventually reveals that profound darkness never transforms into brightness but instead into shades of darkness altogether. Another group of people light up their space.

Come along with me as we begin the fascinating process of unveiling. In this case, the darkness is neither concealed nor made to appear desirable. We remove the shades so that light can shine. We reveal the light of Christ within!

This site is for you if you belong to any of the categories of people below: 

  • You’re having difficulty expressing yourself
  • You are yearning to expand your understanding of God 
  • You love great stories
  • You enjoy laughing
  • You are a Nigerian/ raised by Nigerians.
  • You are enjoying your life
  • You are growing and learning

Through the stories I tell, I help people discover the light within them. I enjoy sharing genuine personal experiences, such as faith, family, memories of growing up in Nigeria and relationships. If you want to unwind after a long day, grab a snack and browse my page; you will be rewarded for your time.

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14 KJV