
I Published a Book, You Can Too!

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I was an avid reader once—still here, no grammar slip—but something’s changed along the way.

During my adolescent years, I would completely lose myself in books. I wasn’t picky about the genres, though there were some I knew my parents—especially my mum—wouldn’t approve of. You know, the ones with those provocative covers. No need to name them; I’m sure you can guess. But I always found a way around that, making sure the covers stayed hidden and stashing away books by authors she recognized. Despite being an introvert, I could quickly strike up friendships with potential book lenders, just to make sure I could borrow their books. I’d spend entire days in my room, devouring one story after another, especially fantasy, mystery/thriller, romance, and horror.

My siblings and I registered at a library for a fee even though we could barely afford to. The library was also quite a distance from our house but we didn’t care. We exchanged books and devoured them hungrily.

As I grew older and deepened my understanding of God and not just morals, I started feeling uneasy about reading erotic books. Eventually, I was convicted to stop. Over time, my desire to read began to fade, and I directed my energy elsewhere. But recently, that passion for reading has been rekindled—only now, I’m drawn to clean, godly genres. Another thing I used to do and still engage in is journaling. I often document the events in my life, frequently capturing everything that needs to be expressed in my journal.

Although I’ve long been interested in publishing a book, I never quite pushed myself to follow through—until now. Things have changed! I’m taking baby steps and starting with a novelette.

One thing that really helped me was having people around who encouraged and motivated me to push forward. Those people made me accountable. I remember hearing things like, “Ibukun, what’s the worst that could happen if you publish a book? Maybe some people won’t enjoy it, but so what? You’ve read books you didn’t enjoy, and those authors still wrote them anyway! But what if people do enjoy it?”

That inspiration led me to start a blog, and eventually, I began writing my first book.

Now, I’m telling you, dear reader, the same thing: Ignore those doubts in your mind and just go for it if you love to write!

How did I get my first book published?

I’ve often heard that to write a book, one should scribble something down every day, and I’ve found that to be true. I cultivated the habit of writing almost daily. While it wasn’t always convenient—especially with my other commitments(like “wifing”, “mothering”, and “daughtering”)—I didn’t pressure myself to complete a chapter or a lengthy piece in one sitting. During moments of leisure, I would jot down my thoughts, and when inspiration struck, I would write for longer stretches. I wasn’t out for a perfect storyline at first. Although I had mapped out my plot and characters, I didn’t go out of my way to make them perfect yet. I just ensured that I kept writing. As I progressed, I reconciled everything, removing the parts that should be removed and adding some that could be better added.

Upon completing the draft, I handed it out for feedback and received some suggestions, which I carefully considered. Then, I sent it off for editing and proofreading.

I created a Kindle account, and I’m excited to share that my first ebook has been published! It’s a concise 45 pages, perfect for a quick read that delivers a complete story and, a simple plot. This book is the first in a Christian fiction series.

I hope, dear readers, that you find joy and pleasure in reading my book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Please get a copy of the ebook at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DHHBX337, read it and leave an honest review. Since it is my first, I would appreciate all the feedback I can get. You can always contact me through:
email: ibukunadedoyin800@gmail.com
Facebook: @Ibukun Sunmola

Ibukun Adeleye

About Post Author

Ibukun Adeleye

Ibukun is a woman who enjoys reflecting and writing when she is inspired. She believes that by writing, she can spread the light of Jesus.
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