The Day I Said “I Do.”

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My head was bowed, and I was on my knees. Not the usual bride but I knew it was time. There had been moments before that I felt I was going all out to get committed but none had been like this. This was different. I thought it just had to be now or never. Tears were in my eyes, I wondered how someone could love me so much and why I had refused his love all along. Anyway, it didn’t matter anymore. There I was, saying with all seriousness and unashamed delight, “I do.”

Let me tell you how it all started.

Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

I had gone out with my parents to the Premier Hotel in Ibadan for the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International outreach meeting. FGBMI is a fellowship of Christian men and women who meet regularly to worship, praise and share the word of God. They also had outreaches. I used to eagerly anticipate the moments when I could accompany my parents, who were dedicated fellowship members. Beyond the peaceful and serene atmosphere where the outreaches took place, I was always captivated by the stories I heard—those heartfelt testimonies. And of course, as a child, I couldn’t wait to indulge in the delicious meals always served. This was no different. There was a story and food! I got prepared to chill and enjoy every moment.

After the worship, the testifier was called. Something was different this time. I watched as my dad walked to the podium and shared his testimony.

He had belonged to a mystical group. I had heard him say that before, but never really knew the story. It hadn’t moved me like it did that evening. His words struck deeper, resonating in a way they hadn’t before, and it touched me unexpectedly. Dad had risen to a prominent position in the group. Like other members, he didn’t believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He was powerful and could make things happen. He used to heal people through meditations. Strange things happened around the house; unexplained occurrences, such as dishes breaking on their own; leaving my mother feeling uneasy. 

The incident that altered everything was my brother’s battle with asthma, which often intensified at night. Sometimes, when he had a fit, he would convulse or become unconscious. Dad had used all the skills he knew as a member of the order to heal him but to no avail. 

Then one night as my brother lay on the bed in high fever, fighting for his life, Dad remembered that a neighbour who was a member of the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship had always preached to him about Jesus, but Dad always laughed him off. At that time, he was filled with pride, convinced that he could have things and even heal people if he wanted to. So why would he need Jesus?

However, in desperation, my daddy prayed!  He asked Jesus to heal his son and that if He could do this, he’d give Him his life. Just as he prayed, Jesus answered His prayers that night. My brother was instantly healed and every trace of asthma vanished. 

As I listened to the testimony, I felt a deep stirring within me. I knew my father was speaking the truth, and I was certain my brother wasn’t asthmatic. At that moment, I realized that I wanted to serve the Jesus my father spoke about. When the altar call was made, I rushed to the front, eager and ready to commit my life to my Saviour. There were times I had “given Him my life and had taken it back” before but there I was at this moment saying “I do” to Jesus with all my heart. I was assured of His unfailing love. He died and rose again so I can live and reign with God eternally. I will forever be His bride and He, my groom.

This encounter assured me that there is a formidable power that gives meaning to life. It makes clear the chaos and apparent meaninglessness of existence.

Jesus loves you too and He is waiting for your response. Rev 3:20 says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

If you would like to experience peace, joy, and freedom that can only come from Him, please say the prayer below:

“Lord Jesus, I accept that you died for my sins and rose on the 3rd day for me to be saved. Please come into my life and be my lord in Jesus’ name. Amen. “

Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave a comment or share your experience and if you were blessed by this write-up, kindly share it with your friends!

Ibukun Adeleye

About Post Author

Ibukun Adeleye

Ibukun is a woman who enjoys reflecting and writing when she is inspired. She believes that by writing, she can spread the light of Jesus.
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