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I believe I have earned a new feather in my cap. My 15-month-old son has decided to become a climber, which has given me a new job title: Watchwoman. I was stunned when I noticed he had climbed the window and was peering out. A window over 3 feet high! “How did he end up there?” I enquired aloud.

The boy saw the speed with which I hurried towards him to place him on the ground and laughed joyously as if to say, ‘Mummy, watch me do it again’. I trembled. I wondered what could have happened if I hadn’t been in the room at the time. My thoughts were all over the place. Then I realized he could have fallen while I was not present, and I would have been incapable of helping him. “Thank you so much, Jesus,” I muttered. My son looked at me. “Jez!” he exclaimed. That was his way of responding to whatever I said.

I soon got busy again but this time, not letting him out of my sight. As I went about my business I watched him from the corner of my eye. This time, I saw exactly how he managed to climb. He was very swift as if he had been practising for a long time carrying those tiny legs with ease. “Ha! Omo yi”(I mentally noted that I should remember to ask his daddy when he returns if he has any mountain climber in his genes because our son definitely didn’t get this from my side😉). I dashed towards him and grabbed him. He screamed, pushed, and struggled to break free of my grip. I stayed put. When he was calm, I sat him down and lectured him as if he were my classmate.

“It’s dangerous, Jason. Don’t go back there.” I said. “You know I care about you and want the best for you. I’m smarter than you, and I already know what will happen in the end. You’ll trip and then cry. This time, the tears will be genuine tears of pain.” I went on.

My crying toddler cried even more as I lectured him. He wanted to keep having fun and didn’t understand why mummy was saying so much. It struck me how loving God is and how stubborn I must have appeared all those times He gave me instructions or cautioned me and I still had it my way. And like I kept talking even though my son didn’t understand what I was saying, God talks, I may sometimes not just understand what He is saying.

God, without a doubt, knows the end from the beginning. He sees the end result before it happens. His word says: “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Isaiah 46:9-10(NIV).

God’s many no’s aren’t because he doesn’t love me. They are simply His way of protecting me from harm. My role is to trust that He is looking out for my best interests. He says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6(NIV).

How much more does God love me if I love my son so much that I desperately wanted to keep him from falling? He who sent His only son to die as a sacrifice for our sins. I am reminded of the scripture: “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11(NIV).

Jesus loves and cares about us. Let us trust Him enough to put our lives in His hands. We are safe and can rest in it.

Image by minder from Pixabay

Ibukun Adeleye

About Post Author

Ibukun Adeleye

Ibukun is a woman who enjoys reflecting and writing when she is inspired. She believes that by writing, she can spread the light of Jesus.
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4 thoughts on “TRUST

  1. Lovely write up there!
    Indeed, trusting that God always has our best interest at heart is key to enjoying a lifetime of joy and peace.
    Thank you and looking forward to more✌️

  2. This is a nice read, please give the child capacity to explore. The Lord will strengthen you and you will rejoice over him. The strength of the Lord is how portion.

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